For our project we had decided to redesign Bridge that connects Boyle Heights and Downtown of Loa Angeles, since me and my partner are from architectural major. The existing bridge is planned to be replaced due to its Alcaic reaction with the concrete. We want to propose new design for the bridge and make it a place not just for cars and busses but also create space for gatherings, park, expand sidewalks and overall make it more diverse.
Looking back to the history of the Boyle Heights when it was a walkable neighborhood, we wanted to recreate that experience on the bridge. So there will be two lines or two levels of the bridge: fast and slow. The lower one would be for cars and trucks, kind of a tunnel but open from both sides. The main level would not be only pedestrians but a have bus line on one side of the bridge and bus stops to bring people from both sides of the bridge together to socialize. There would be farmers market, cafe, children playground and lots of greenery, in other word, a promenade.
The structure of the bridge is quite simple it is a spiral that serves as a structure on the bottom, holds the actual bridge from the both sides and also acts as a canopy for the promenade above. the spiral also represents the history that goes in spiral and repeats itself.