Esprit de Boyle Heights

Esprit de Boyle Heights
Flying Fortress, bought with war bonds by citizens of Boyle Heights in 1943

Street Car on 4th

Thursday 11 February 2010

personal opinions on redesign of the sixth street viaduct in los angeles

Since my research included trying to sympathize with the locals of Boyle Heights who have a sentimental attachment or any kind of personal opinion on the re-design of the Sixth St. Viaduct Bridge, I compiled some comments on blogs and excerpts from interviews from articles that give us a variety of attitudes.

"The 6th Street Viaduct has special meaning. Boyle Heights, on the east side of the river, has long been known as the 'Ellis Island' of Los Angeles, where for more than a century immigrants from Europe, Asia and now Latin America entered into the city ... People of all races and creeds would come to Boyle Heights -- these bridges represented access to the rest of Los Angeles" - Huizar

"It will be sad to see the historical bridge be replaced with something "modern". Part of downtown's charm, or what is left of it, are the brick buildings and historical architecture. If the 6th Street bridge is replaced with this 'modern' blah design, it will not fit in with the community or complement the 7th bridge which still remains a historical/art deco design. I think a modern design is a huge mistake! I have a view every morning of the beautiful 6th Street bridge and I will be very sad to see it go!" - Carrie Jacobs

"But if I understand correctly the modernist design choice is based on structural and design challenges that stem primarily from Union Pacific's denial of giving access for the proper placement and construction of the bridge's posts.

This is phucking bullchit.

The bridge should be as close to the original/current design as possible both because of its unique architectural and historical nature but also as it complements the bridges on either side of it." - M a r c

"The design isn't so blah. You need to look at the picture of the current bridge and mentally overlay the cable-stay portion over the steel arches. The triangle formed by the cables is longer and taller than the steel arches. It will form a landmark visible for miles. 

This is just a case of bad marketing more than bad design." - Tim Quinn

"What could Sterling, Foster, Piano, Gehry or even Jahn have accomplished instead, that would be so much finer to use and experience? Instead we are now stuck with the dispiriting, leaden, oppressive descent into banality. And the cause of it all was our glorious preservation movement. They are incapable of imagination." - John Crandell

(in response to John Crandell's comment) "The only thing those guys are concerned with is stroking their own egos and collecting fat checks. We, the public, have to live with their crap for generations. Better to borrow from the classics and focus on human scale issues and the minutia therein. It makes for a better building in the long run." -ubrayj02

"Sixth Street Bridge/Viaduct is the only structure which spans a majority of the floodplain. It needs to be relied upon in the event of a major flood or earthquake. Replace the whole thing with a vote for the future, not the past. Symbolize!" - Purple Haze

"But considering the retirement of the rusty train tracks and the drip drip dribble that is the LA River, wouldn't it be prudent to consider a simple at-grade street in place of a big dramatic bridge?" - from article, "Burning Bridges at 6th Street"

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